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Lee and Katie Walker are a Father-Daughter film photography duo, Tucson natives, both. You may see them around town, most likely 4th Avenue or downtown, capturing the spirit of Tucson in black-to-white images.  


Their tools of choice are primarily finely engineered medium and large format cameras from the 1920s to 1970s.  


Why "2Sawn?" We live in, and love, Tucson; and we love two-color photography.  Just seems like a good combination, not to mention we like  wordplay.


Why black-to-white? It's a wonderful way to look at the world.  When you take away color, the image and composition and lines and shapes and light have to tell the whole story.


Why film? Because you can see it and hold it.  There is also an anticipation and patience required, since the image is only in your mind until the film is developed.

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